I use an at&t 3g sim card. I have really been wanting a phone like this, well actually the tilt.. but my mom would just not allow me to waste my money buying one when I have a nice phone (blackjack2), even though Im 18. Anyway, I have seen these phones all over and can get one for a great price.. they have all the same cool little things they do.. touch screen.. internet.. etc. but Im wondering if itll work the same with my sim card. Anyone that works for at&t OR that has tried this out, can you tell me? Ive asked people but they are only people that are trying to sell them, and I dont really trust if they are just saying it to sell it to me or not. Help? Thanks.

Also, please no rude remarks about my mom, my cheapo ness(I dont have a job), or the fact that Im 18 and still listen to her. I just want my question answered.