How can i eat healthier?PLZ ANSWER!?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
My new years resolution is to eat healthier so i want to know what the daily nutrients I'm supposed to get are and stuff like that. Also like wat the healthiest foods are. If you could help out i would really appreciate it!

PS. You know like those weight watchers packets where it says like how many vegi's u r supposed to eat, and how much water, how much fruit, how many portions, ect? Well i kinda want something like that
substitute unhealthy foods with healthier ones but they don't have a big taste change. hope this helps :)
instead of drinking milk, drink lots of water or fresh juice
refrain from eating red meat and eat lots of veggie and fruits
also for snacks, eat fruit bars or cereals NO MORE CHOCOLATES ~!!
Try weight watchers! Some people says its too much work counting points and figuring out what you eat...but in everything you have to be determined and take time to learn. Its the best thing that I have done and I eat healthier now then ever. Weight watchers is not a diet...its a style of living. I encourage you to try it..If you really put your mind to it you will love it and eat ALOT healthier! :)
start eating vegetables and less oils and fats. it worked for me this is how i look like now ~
limit processed food, eat fruits and veggies.

and take a multi-vitamin.. ppl never take these but they're so important.. they give you all your essential minerals and vitamins that you need each day. That way your body won't be lacking anything. good luck. hope this helped.
u can nvr drink enough water. and milk builds strong bones! try drinking sodas or drinks with a lot of sugar or calories. as for eating, eat more fruits and veggies like berries, melons, peaches, tomatoes, and broccoli, carrots, asparagus, green beans, artichokes, and things like that. salads are also a great thing to try. eating meat: chicken and fish are the best, but you do need iron, so eat beef that's not really fatty. dont eat bacon. eat less carbs like crackers and bread. if u do want to eat bread, eat indian flat bread called nan. it has have the calories and carbs as normal bread and it tastes better. and eat less sweets. occasional pieces of chocolate or a cookie are fine, but get away from the doughnuts and birthday cake. to be even more specific, dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate.
yea cut down on your dairy [meat, poultry, milk, basically anything from animals] eat more veggies.
yea cut down on your dairy [meat, poultry, milk, basically anything from animals] eat more veggies.
no mcdonalds
fruit salad
vegetable plates
dont eat FRIED chicken to often
healthy meats is something you can research
8 bottles of water a day is like the best thing to do!!!!
eat less twinkies, candy, and other foods high in fat and sugar.

anything that has "HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP" is the worst thing you can consume.

stick to fresh fruits and veggies, nothing canned.
Eat natural foods rich in proteins ( like eggs, beans, meat, nuts)

and cook with olive oil instead of canola or peanut oil

anything that has "hydrogenated soybean oil" or "hydrogenated vegetable oils" are horrible to consume as well.

Any kind of artificial flavorings, preservatives, or chemical additives are not good either.

look at the nutrition chart on the back of the food before you buy it or eat it
only eat at proper portion, dont get too much. eat only breakfast, lunch and dinner. you can buy snack like healthy crackers, or anything healthy. not sweet food.

most people during dinner, they eat load of food, try not to. eat 2 or 3 fruits everyday, drink a lot of water. its okay to go unload in the bathroom many time. dont eat fast food too much. (like McDonnal, KFC, or anything like that)

eat mostly vegetable, eat meat but not too much. chicken are the most common, just dont eat too much.

good luck! :p hope i help^^

p.s. every bad snacks can be eaten twice or once a month.
Well, i have the same new years resolution, and that i think you need everything from each food group, like maybe eat veggies at all 3 meals, dont have to eat veggies at all three meals, but you can if you want to. maybe some meat, wheat, dairy, ect... its best to choose healthier foods instead of junk foods when watching movies, like, choose carrot sticks, or celery, or stuff like that!

hope it helps!


P.S. e-mail me if it works! i like to know if my anwers help! OMG, we could do this new years resolution together! that would be so much fun! e-mail me!
Read the book "Skinny Bitch" and follow their advice. This book is AWESOME and very easy to understand. It doesn't have a strict diet regimen to follow but to be slim, trim and healthy all you have to do is eat the right foods and get some excercise. This book breaks it all down on how to make intelligent choices.