would a cingular SIM card work with a tmobile sidekick?


New member
Dec 1, 2008
i have a sidekick lx and i was wondering if a cingular SIM card would work with it and what i would have to do in order to use the sidekick with a cingular plan???
Nope the sidekick is a locked phone only for T-Mobile. In order to a sidekick cell phone worked for a Cingular sim card you need to have the sidekick cell phone unlocked or puchase a unlock Sidekick.
My friend is actually trying to do the same thing. T Mobile said you can only unlock a Sidekick Slide because it's made by Motorola & All other sidekicks are made by Sharp. So you can't unlock them. They're only made for T Mobile Sim cards and Plans.

You'll have to get it "unlocked" first. From there, it ought to work. However, no carrier can guarantee service on unlocked equipment.
hi if your sidekick lx mobile is locked with the t-mobile network then it wont accept any other network sim other than t-mobile .to solve this you must unlock it codes are the best solution to unlock your mobile .to purchase codes visit mobile-unlocker.com here they ask you the imei number of your mobile .finally they send you codes to unlock your mobile.