Would you date someone who is already in a relationship?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I met a guy at my work. He is a customer who comes once in a while to buy coffee. He told me that that I am pretty and I have a nice smile. I was excited about him until he told me that he has a live in girlfriend.

Then I told him that I didn’t want to get involved with him since he made it clear that he had no intentions of living his girlfriend and he was just looking for some fun on the side.

I know I did the right thing for not allowing myself to date someone who is not available. He came yesterday again to buy coffee and I couldn’t help how good looking he is. I am so attracted to him but I deserve my own man.

So have you ever dated someone who was already in a relationship?
no thats pretty stupid- why would u want to date someone who u know would b cheating on u if u guys were dating?
no thats pretty stupid- why would u want to date someone who u know would b cheating on u if u guys were dating?