What did the Best Thinkers Protect us from Besides Conspiracy Theorists and...


New member
Nov 28, 2008
...No-Fly-Zones!? They didn't protect us from recession. They didn't protect us from high fuel prices. They didn't protect us from a Communist country financing our wars for FREEDOM. Wouldn't the "Conspiracy Theorists" have given us better protection from what really is bad for us?
WOW! You're right Tmack! They're only here to protect us from "Conspiracy Theorists" and no-fly-zones! They haven't even suggested reparations for Bush's mistakes so that these things don't happen again!

Would they protect us from people who would write a 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution giving the people arms just in case not the Middle Eastern Muslim terrorist becomes dangerous, but because the Federal Government would!

They wrote the Second Amendment because individuals cannot acquire arms as easily as militias can. If laws outlawed gun ownership, militias would have guns anyway.

How can we live with such "theorists" around who would never fear no-fly-zones or even immediate independent investigations of 911?

Personally, I see your point. They not only haven't protected us from anything, but have shown they are the problem.
You have some conspiracy theories laced into your question.

Apparently they didn't protect us from you, either.

(Liberals like to tell poeple that China is financing our war, despite the fact that it's the people who buy our treasuries, not the government, and they only own about 5% of our debt. Americans own about 60%.)