To Christians who try to convert people - a ( not a rant ) question ?


New member
Nov 28, 2008
To christians that try to convert people ( on the street , door to door etc )

Im a white Hindu so it seems to me Im always getting stopped by someone from one church or another ...

Im usually more than happy to share opinions / beliefs etc but I was just wondering if there is anything one thing a person/ people could say to you when your out witnessing (?) that would stop you from persuing a conversation dead in its tracks or from talking to them further ?

The reason i ask is because as a Hare Krishna devotee im often go handing out books and leaflets etc .. but if someone tells me ''no '' or no bacause they are a muslim/christian / jew etc i leave them alone and dont try to talk to them any more

but christians dont seem to do this -- telling you guys im a Hindu or I used to be a christian seems to make you try to talk to me more not less ...

Im not trying to be nasty or anything - im just curious and wondering where you guys draw the line with this kind of thing ?

hope that makes sense -its difficult to explain what i mean without comming across as rude
Rebecca S...
Youd wait until it gets heated before backing off? Isnt it better to just hand them a leaflet and leave them with a nice impression of a christian than to let them go feeling mad or upset and maybe with a bad impression of your faith?
I'll keep talking to a person about Christ and His love for them as long as the conversation stays civil. If it starts to heat up, then it's time to change the subject. And the reason we do it truly is because we believe that those who don't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior are going to hell. We are doing out of genuine love and caring for our fellow man. Just like God, we don't want anyone to go to hell. If we didn't care about you, we wouldn't tell you about Jesus, we'd keep him all to ourselves. Here's my bit:
"telling you guys im a Hindu or I used to be a christian seems to make you try to talk to me more not less ... "

I hate to be the one to correct you but, if you became a Christian some time in the past, you can not throw it away like an old dust rag. If at any point in your life you asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to save your soul from hell then, you are saved and you are saved for all eternity. Turning your back on God and practicing idolatry will not negate your Christianity. It only cause you to take more unconfessed sin with you to Heaven when you die.

If you DID ask Jesus to save you then you can tell those that are witnessing to you that you are saved and, that should cause them to leave you alone.
i don't talk to /answer the door to any religious preachers, but if they not backing off till it gets heated is an even bigger reason to get the hell out of there!
thats just weird....
I am a Christian myself and in being such I feel I am burdened to share the truth with those walking in darkness, what they do with it after that is between them and God. I do not approach strangers, instead I only share my faith with people I know after developing a rapport with them. Unfortunately for the situation you are describing there is nothing in particular you could say to stop someone from pushing their faith on you, it depends on the character of the person. My suggestion is that if you know of the good news of Christ and have choosen not to accept it then that is what you tell them and you do not wish to discuss it.
i just want to share Jesus. if you don't want it, i'm not going to force you. Hmmmmm....Good question. makes you think. the only reason im a Christian is because my faith. It's all I have.