How long before we completely abolish religion?


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Not in our lifetime.

But if you ask the Jehovah's Witnesses, they will say that the United Nations is going to ban religion any day now. That's a real knee-slapper. The United Nations couldn't ban dog fighting at a PETA convention.
I don't think religions will ever be wiped out since you can't wipe out a person's ability to have an opinion.
I think the time is coming soon where religion is just completely wiped out
People have been saying god is coming soon for the past 20 years....guess what...he isnt coming.
it won't be much longer before all evil will be no more - peace be with u
Probably never -- unfortunately. People take comfort in believing in religion, even if it is total nonsense.
You are an idiot. Why would you want to abolish religion? Your life must be very depressing since you have nothing at all to live for. Have fun in hell.
You are right. It says so in the bible. Soon my bible will be collected and me and my family will have to choose between the world or Jesus/the guillotine. I'll take the guillotine for Jesus any day.
I think religious belief will decline overall within the next few centuries, particularly as our society advances technologically and free speech is allowed to flourish. But religion will always exist among some groups of people - even in the twenty first century U.S. almost half of the population erroneously believes, on faith, that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. Since nonsense can flourish in any society it makes sense to believe that as long as humans exist, some of them will believe in strange things.

I don't care personally so long as it does not attack knowledge, change our laws, or cause unnecessary strife.
When the whole world has a computer software program that exposes which parts of the Bible and the other Holy books were fraudulent ?

edit: Then we will be stuck with primarily the "Sermon on the Mount" which is self evident, requires no "faith" requires no worship of church leaders, and does not even require believing in God or Heaven in order to go to Heaven. "Blessed" in those days meant "set aside for Heaven". Paul's empire was quick to change the meaning of that word.
When you say "soon" is that in the biblical sense as in thousands of years?...because there is no sign of it slowing down that is if you can think outside of R&S?

The worst that could happen to religion is reform to suit man - humanism.However there will still be those that will carry their traditional remnants well beyond your lack of imagination.

God bless,

I don't think religion will ever be completely wiped out. It's been around since the beginning of civilization in some form, and continues prevalently.

Oh, hey, you're using one of the avatars I made! I made a George Carlin one for atheists, too, if you haven't seen it.
You are right about it being close but we have no way of knowing how close.
Religion will not be completely abolished until the Anti-Christ sets himself up as god.
And nobody but God knows when that is.
Religion is a necessary evil in less developed countries. There aren't enough resources on earth for everyone to enjoy the good life, so religion is needed to keep the poor in line by promising them their reward in the afterlife.
The perplexing part of your question is the noun "we." Would "we" be the government of your country or some other organization? The abolitionists may be surprised in the futility of their effort. Certain failure faces your "we." "We" should not confuse silence with indifference. The other side of the case will be awaiting your arrival. Religion plays an important role in the lives of many of my friends. Religion will not be abolished. The Jews prove the importance of religion. They died for their faith in the millions. On May 14, 1948, the members of this religion established its modern state. Israel will not be "wiped out" by the forces against it. I promise you that the Israel air force can defend itself from any force "we" attempt to bring against it. NO is the answer.