There's two parts to my question... I'll explain the situation first... Last night I was over at a friends house (who I visit ALL the time), and there was a small group of us who were just hottubbing and watching movies and playing guitar hero. Then, I call my mom to let her know that I'm spending the night, just like always, and she FLIPPED out on me, and told me I wasn't allowed to spend the night there. When I asked her why, her only reason was "because you're my daughter and you're sixteen." I have been going to these get-togethers for over a year now, and there has never once been any drinking, smoking, drugs, ANYTHING inappropriate at all, and she knows it! There are always parents there, and there has never ever been a single thing that my parents wouldn't approve of going on there. Anyways, no she is so angry at me that she has been avoiding me all morning (even though I came home at the 11:00 curfew she set) So heres my questions:

1) Do anyone else's parents do this to them? Where they make decisions that affect you without ANY reasoning behind them at all (and usually completely unprovoked)? And without talking to you at all first?

2) How do you deal with this? Without making them angrier, and punishing you for it?