how are these Phrases that will turn him/her on ?


May 15, 2008
How about a little time sharing?
Would you like to try a manual entry?
My response time is shorter than an ELF.
I run on AC or DC.
I'll trade you my software for your hardware.
I'm a member of Aslib.
Want to try my back-up equipment?
How about a digital search?
Boot my system.
I need my cards punched
Mind if I run a cylinder scan on you?
Wanna see my dedicated port?
You can have direct access if you want.
How about a flip-flop?
Are you interested in gang-punching?
Like to see my head rotor?
Let me try your joystick
Kiss my system!
You'll always be LILO in my system.
It's time to log in.
Massage my input.
Wanna twiddle my mouse?
I've also got a slow mode
I'm programmed for parallel processing.
I'm into RAM.
Let's advance the state of the art.
Like some digital timesharing of my TTS?