Conception success in mid-30's?



Just looking for success stories of conception for those of you in your 30's or above. I've only been TTC for 3 months and the stress is already getting to me. Hoping the success stories lift my spirits! Thanks for any responses :)
I was 39 when my daughter was conceived. It took 11 months of trying, with hormone injections in the last 2 months. If you haven't conceived after 6 months of trying, you might want to consult with a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

Good luck!
Don't freak out about it and just have faith that if its meant to be, it will. Good luck.
i had my last baby at age 36...and i certainly was not trying to conceive. my mother had me at age 40 ...she wasn't trying to conceive either. my boss had her one and only child at age 42 after years of TTC.
My sister got pregnant for the 1st time when she was a couple of months off 33. 3 months is completely normal, even for women in their 20's. good luck!x
My sister got pregnant for the 1st time when she was a couple of months off 33. 3 months is completely normal, even for women in their 20's. good luck!x
My auntie was in her thirtees. Hope you hear good news soon!
My mom had me at 31 and my brother at 33. That's not quite 'mid-thirties', but please take heart! You are not alone, and women in their mid-thirties get pregnant all the time.