Are people inclined to believe the mainstream media because they think...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
...not to would make them a conspiracy ? theorist?
Do they think that if you believe the media is lying to you or just not telling you the full facts that you are a kook, because the mainstream has no reason to do that and you are just paranoid?
Conspiracy is people planning wrong as simple as that now you tell me any and I mean any time in human history where people have not planned to do wrong. The only people who don`t believe in conspiracy are coincidence theorists who think things happen by magic a very child like way of thinking. Who owns the media who controls the government and why are the elites so secretive. Paranoid is delusional yet so is ignoring all evidence and living in a soap opera reality. Weapons of mass destruction should close the case unless of course your so afraid of an ugly truth you wet the bed and hope all those nasty facts will go away because someone else thinks for you
after Watergate i don't trust any mainstream media anymore, and Vietnam Era was the last of the true reporting of a war and the troops real outlooks~!

after that the rightwingnuts stepped in and sealed things up, now it all whitewash and propaganda, and a pre-written script straight from the White-House to the mainstream media, mainly Fox News~!
Conspiracy is people planning wrong as simple as that now you tell me any and I mean any time in human history where people have not planned to do wrong. The only people who don`t believe in conspiracy are coincidence theorists who think things happen by magic a very child like way of thinking. Who owns the media who controls the government and why are the elites so secretive. Paranoid is delusional yet so is ignoring all evidence and living in a soap opera reality. Weapons of mass destruction should close the case unless of course your so afraid of an ugly truth you wet the bed and hope all those nasty facts will go away because someone else thinks for you