If today its Gay marriage what will tomorrow bring?

Nov 21, 2008
Gays argue they just want their committed gay relationships recognized so what if NAMBLA succeeds and wins the right to man boy marriage under the same specious argument.
gay marriage=trying to institutionalize a deviant behavior.
well, if we follow the path that they are trying to assimilate it will be reparations.
"Poly-amorism" (the love of more than one person) is gaining in popularity. It wouldn't surprise me to see this one gain some societal recognition as various people label themselves as "different" because they can't commit to one person at a time. (insert rolling-eyes smiley here).

Pedophelia is right around the corner, but people seem to still have the good sense to protect children.

Furries are odd, but conventions don't lie. They're just a little too silly for the mainstream.

Copropheliacs (look it up) may want to take a page from the gay revolution. They can gain real recognition for themselves if they'll just use the same tactics. I've gotten answers deleted from Yahoo for comparing copropheliacs to gays, so I must be hitting a vein of truth there.
i find racism to be much more troubling than gay marriage, though i don't lose sleep over it or obsessively post questions on public boards.