How can he sleep so much? ?


New member
May 28, 2008
My boyfriend and I went to sleep about 5am today after a night of watchin our fave boxsets, drinkin wine and smokin a bit of weed. I woke up around 12pm, went the loo then went back to bed. I woke at 3pm. I've just been watchin tv all day. But it's now 18.50 (6.50pm) and he's still asleep! Surely it's not healthy? He does suffer from depression (altho for no apparent reason he says) so he's on antidepressants. Are they making him sleep so much? I know the pot isn't good for him either but he seems to think it helps...sorry for the long essay!
LMMFAO!! Yeah that'sa typical guy for you.

But seriously no it's not normal and he needs to get on a steady sleeping plan. Most doctors will recomend sleeping at 10:00pm and waking up at 7:00 am This is whats easiest on your matablism and will keep you thinner also. BUT 5:00 AM IN THE MORNING!! lol Wow thats very late to get to sleep.
