If you were to create a religion, what would you make it?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
This question is mainly to see veiws of everyone and also the fact that ive already reached my daily answer limit and I'm kind of bored.

Please take this seriously I don't want pathetic answers.
So what would you make it? To follow a God or to just live life etc, get creative! Also if if you already have a religion just think of this as a hypothetical question.
Very interesting so far, but can anyone explain with abit more detail?

I like it
The best (or most successful anyways) religion, will be the one that does the most for people. in order to keep the facade of an actual religion you can have a holiday every week of the year. this also meets the first criteria what an excuse for time off? of course they're religiously related!

btw, i actually asked if a 50 holiday (arbitrary, fairly large number) per year religion would be successful. someone said something along the lines of 'add two and i'm in.' I wondered what was so significant about the other two. then it hit me: 52, one every week. and that's how i came to this answer.