Failing Religion in School?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
I go to a catholic highschool, and my family and I arent catholic. The school is one of the toughest in the state, and the best in my city. My parents believed that "sending me there will get me into a good college". Very untrue!!
I dont know anything about Christianity, and when tests come up (which is every week), she tests us on stuff that we SHOULD know, but people like me DONT know (because, frankly, we dont go to church).
I just checked my grades, the school set up this online gradebook for parents and students to view, and I have an F for this quarter, and a D for semester grade.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I really need to get this grade up because if I dont I wont be allowed to play basketball.

Oh, and please dont suggest talking to the teacher about extra credit, because ive tried that. She said to just keep up and ill be fine. :(
I would suggest studying it more; form a study group with your classmates, even.

If that doesn't seem to work or ends up being too stressful (after all, religion and politics are two subjects that can really get your blood boiling) then maybe you should transfer to another school. What matters is, not so much the school's background, but what YOU personally accomplish in that school. (If the school isn't accredited though, I'd stay far, far away from it if I were you)
I suggest, that when you apply to colleges, you calculate your GPA without the religion courses (because colleges do not require religion) and explain that you're not that religious and you couldn't pass the classes without having attended services. I really doubt they'll care if you failed religion, just keep your overall GPA up high enough that they'll bother looking at the explanation.