Do you think it is weird that Mr. Obama is bringing back "third Clinton term" by


New member
Nov 15, 2008
YES, and thank God Almighty that he's smart enough to do it!
What did you think, that he would pick a bunch of neophytes to advise him???
Do you think it is weird that Mr. Obama is bringing back "third Clinton term" by

picking up former Clinton? administration officials as his cabinet picks, yet he criticized Mr. McCain so much about it being the "third Bush term"? And where is that promised "change" or "fresh blood" if all the picks are Washington insiders?
And please remember that maybe Mr. Clinton's years were successful, we entered into recession before Mr. Bush was elected, and thus we received the first stimulus checks soon after Mr. Bush was elected. So the Clinton years were not that perfect for America. Plus in those years they ignored the threats to our security that ended with the attacks of 9/11.
And Mrlinuxguy, can we please be a bit more civilized without name calling? I am just asking a question and am trying to be polite to all. Thank you kindly.
And we were in recession in March 2001, so this could not have been accomplished by Mr. Bush so soon after he was inaugurated into the office, but a residual from Mr. Clinton's years. So I apologize for saying "stimulus" instead of "rebate" but the recession is a fact.
I'm surprised that he did when you consider that he called her a "typical white women" and called her a member of the GOP.


Reality has a Liberal Bias,

You are kidding yourself. There is no such thing as a conservative working for the NY Times.
Oh. My. GOD. Bush was an IDIOT. Clinton had a successful presidency, and the country wasn't in debt. Why shouldn't Obama pick people with a good track record and history? I don't understand why you people feel the need to pick everything apart.
The Clinton years might not have been perfect but they were MUCH better than the Bush years in office. BTW it was Bush that ignored the CIA terrorist threat warnings prior to 9-11 so you might want to rethink that one. It's the Bush administration that has thrown out the Constitution with some of their executive orders, that has violated international law by invading a country that didn't attack us, that changed the leverage ratio for banks which helped with the bank failures we're seeing because they don't have the capital necessary to survive the credit crisis. It was the Bush administration that didn't enforce the few remaining regulations that allowed the banks not to have the necessary capital too. It was the Bush administration that didn't react quickly during Katrina and let thousand suffer for days.

Obama is looking for the Best and the Brightest. Some of them happened to have worked for the Clinton's therefore they are being offered positions again. I'm sure that you've also heard talk about keeping Gates as Sec of Defense because he apparently has been good at his job. I'm sure that the Obama administration will in the end be a mix of old and new people in Washington and really make marked improvements over the Bush Administration but that won't be difficult.
Obama had to throw everybody he knows under the bus during the campaign because they are all such scum, so nobody else is left.
Only goes to show that even he knows Hillary should have been the nominee. he knows nothing about governing a country.. all he can do is make pretty prepared speeches. So he is gathering the people around him that led Clinton's White house and did a good job, so they can hopefully do a good job again.

He will be a puppet.. just like Bush. Too Funny!
No, I think he is trying to get Clinton out of the running for 2012. Of course, he criticized McCain, as that was a political advantage to him to do so. There is no "change" other than we will only have change in our pockets, once he is through with taxing us. I would rather see "proven blood" rather than "fresh blood" at this time of terrorists.

Bush has been a good president, regardless of what people say. When it is all said and done, Bush will go down in history, as one of the best presidents that we have ever had. Yes, I remember the Clinton years, as not being recession proof. Most of all I remember how Clinton ignored the capture and demise of Osama Bin Laden several times during his reign. We never would have experienced 911, had he signed the paperwork to take Osama Bin Laden out. It concerns me that Hillary will take the same stance should she become the Secretary of State. Plus, Bill Clinton's library and his shaddy dealings in that part of the world also add problems for Hillary.
There will be no "third" Clinton term. In the middle of all of the punditry and sophomoric agonizing and second guessing of what Obama is doing, people are forgetting one important thing. It's Obama that is going to be President, not the Clintons, and not anyone else from Bill's Administration that is getting a job. Apparently, Obama thinks he is much stronger than most of you are giving him credit for. I agree with him. He is picking the best and the brightest, and he does nothing without good reason. At least that's been evident so far. These won't be "Clinton years." They will be Obama years, and people need to start remembering that.

And please remember that Clinton left this country with a surplus that George Bush promptly destroyed. There was no "recession" due to Clinton economics. There was no recession at all. What you are claiming in your add'l details is b.s., pure and simple. And lest you forget, we weren't attacked on our own soil on Clinton's watch - we were attacked on Bush's watch. HE was the one who ignored warnings about Al Qaeda placed right on his desk. Your theories about the Clinton years are complete fantasy.

EDIT: The 2001 recession wasn't serious enough to even be recognized as a true recession. It resulted from the mess and accounting scandals - like ENRON. Nothing to do with Clinton, but nice try.
Pretty much, we all realize that this is to pay back Hillary for her support during the campaign. I don't think Obama is trying for a 3rd Clinton term but as far as foriegn policy goes, he is doing just that!
No, not at all. The reason America did not want a 3rd Bush term is that Bush was incompetent - look where he led us.

Clinton was a period of prosperity and movement towards a balanced budget, something we wish we would have had for the past 8 years.

But, also, Obama has promised to change the climate in Washington. By selecting a "team of rivals" he takes the first step towards the change he promised. If he brings in center-right R's he will only increase his support among 75% of Americans and further marginalize the extremist right in the R party.

Go Obama!
And please remember that maybe Mr. Clinton's years were successful, we entered into recession before Mr. Bush was elected, and thus we received the first stimulus checks soon after Mr. Bush was elected.
We were not in a recession and Bush's checks were a rebate from the surplus not a stimulus you moron.
Plus in those years they ignored the threats to our security that ended with the attacks of 9/11.
Bush cut half a billion dollars from the FBI's counter terrorism department when he came into office. Bush was also placed with a memo stating that al qaida planned to use planes to attack the US, clinton was not.
Where exactly do you propose he look 4 perspective cabinet members? I am a Conservative who has no love 4 Bromamma or any of dem jokers. Why r people so shocked? What did they expect?
Basically he is just ending her career. She will give up her senate seat and after that he could fire her if he wants to.
Well he can't win this one according to his critics. He brings in his own people and he is a dangerous radical, he brings in insiders and he is not for change.