Does my Mazda 3 have a block heater?


New member
Nov 21, 2008
My Mazda has had some trouble starting in the cold (i live in Winnipeg) and I want to plug it in...but I have no idea where the block heater is, or if I even have one? My car is a 2004 Mazda 3 Sport.
There should be a regular power cord coming from the back of the motor. When standing in front of the car, left side, behind the engine block.
Usually that cord goes from there all the way to the front, either tucked away (summer) or sticking out. If you don't have one, have one put in the next time you do an oil change, since they have to remove the oil to put it in. They sell for about $30 and this way you do 2 things at one time. I'll save you money that way.
There should be a regular power cord coming from the back of the motor. When standing in front of the car, left side, behind the engine block.
Usually that cord goes from there all the way to the front, either tucked away (summer) or sticking out. If you don't have one, have one put in the next time you do an oil change, since they have to remove the oil to put it in. They sell for about $30 and this way you do 2 things at one time. I'll save you money that way.
Mazda heater cord location

I have an 09 Speed3 and this morning I could NOT find the block heater cord. I specified they install one, I think I remember being told "it's tucked in down here", but at -40 in Alberta, it started on the first try after sitting out all night. ! I am going to grap a magnet heater thingy from CT if I it turns out I don't have a cord, though. Your site was somewhat helpful...a picture posted of the engine with a big red arrow indicating the location of the cord would be helpful. These engines are tight! :)
I'm in the same situation. I'm also in Alberta and it's our first taste of extreme cold so I went to look for my block heater cord and can't find it either. The dealership told me they install block heaters on all their vechiles and I double checked my delivery receipt and block heater is checked off.