My daughter has ringworm!?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I just got back from the doctor and my daughter was told she had ringworm on her arm. We assumed she got it from school (as did the dr) but when I went to the pharmacy the lady told me you only get it from your pets! WHAT? We have 2 indoor cats, one indoor dog that is not allowed to roam with other dogs or go without a leash, and one cat that comes in to eat maybe 5 minutes out of the entire day, then he wants back out (he doesn't even get on furniture). I have checked my pets, and none of them look like they have ringworm (or ANY type of skin condition--no rash, shedding, itching, etc), and I am just kind of grossed out by the entire thing. The dr said just to put the cream on my daughter, but I want to know where she got this, what I need to do, etc. We aren't nasty people, and we have never had anything like this in our house before. The doctor wasn't alarmed, but maybe as a mom it just bothers me more. Has anyone else been through this and do you have any suggestions on what I should do next?
It is VERY contagious, so she could have picked it up from a shopping cart at the store. No worries. It doesn't mean you are a dirty person, it just means you are normal people. Anyone, anywhere can get ringworm. Just put the cream on your daughter and calm down. Everyone gets it at least once in their lives. It is very common.