The Smartest religion?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
If you had to choose a religion based on logic, which will you choose

(atheism is not a religion)
Most would say theirs. I say whatever religion gets you into heaven is the wisest one. Heaven is a state of being where one feels loved and needed. There is no pain in heaven.
Islam. It has a way of living life, and good morals, and overall its basically teaching you to be a good humane. Its not the complicated, people make it complicated
Buddhism or Confucianism. Most any Eastern Religion has the Western ones beat by a mile.
The one that has the most evidence.
The one whose texts never contradict each other.
The one with a 6000 year old book, written by many different authors with one ongoing story.
The only one that can forgive sins.
The one that has a leader that died, and came back from the dead.

No one dies for a lie, and thousands have died for Christ, starting with his closest friends 2000 years ago who personally saw him after he rose from the dead, and down to today. More people are being murdered for Christ today, than at any other time in history. People are not stupid; they have read the book, and know what's what.

So the "right" religion is the only "true" religion, and there is no such thing as "true for you" or "true for me" true is true, period.
The Catholic Church alone has 2000 years worth of the finest scholarship, systematic theology, and practical philosophy that the world has ever seen.

No other religion even comes close.
In my opinion, it's christianity.

Each person's answer actually depends on what their religion is. If some is a buddhist, then obviously, that person would think buddhism is the smartest and logical religion. I mean why would someone be a christian if they don't think it is the smartest religion?
Since there are multiple intelligences then how are we suppose to answer such a question?