Need Hunting Advice From Tough Old Hunting Type!?


New member
May 30, 2008
ok, here is the deal. Im 14 and i live in the midlands uk... problem is there is nowhere close to go hunting that i know off. That's not the point though i bet i could go somewhere. I only have one problem... i don't think my dad or i could own a rifle. My dad probably wouldn't sign up for a rifle so i think its kinda out of the question. DO any of you know any ways of hunting with weapons that arnt illegal for people like me. so if someone could give me advice on how to get an edible animal for tea with a day of hunting id be really graitfull... are slingshots any good?
Thanks guys!
you cant kill dear with some shotgun rounds & u think u can put it down with a slingshot so sorry but beg ur dad
Get some ferrets and nets. Seek permission from a landowner and have a crack at ferreting.

A lurcher is good fun as well.

There's plenty of hunting around you've just got to go and find it. It won't come to you. I've got 4 farms in Shropshire plus one in North Wales.

Good luck.