can you solve this riddle?


New member
Nov 16, 2008
there is a man in a room.
the room has 4 solid brick walls, a hard ceilng and floor.
it has no doors, windows, trap doors, cracks etc.
there is a table in the middle of the room.
how does he escape?

10 points to who ever solves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jump on the table , if it breaks use the legs of the table to slowly scrape the stuff from the bricks then push it then the brick brakes !

Or there' s no roof just a four brick walls , stand on the table and get out
rubs his hands together until they're saw, takes the saw and saws the table in half, two halves make a whole, then he climbs through the hole
He is not ABLE to get out of the room, so he removes the T from TABLE, and then he has able so he is ABLE to get out of the room!

Or there is the answer where the man saws the table in half, two halfs make a whole. So he climbs through the hole to escape!
He is not ABLE to get out of the room, so he removes the T from TABLE, and then he has able so he is ABLE to get out of the room!

Or there is the answer where the man saws the table in half, two halfs make a whole. So he climbs through the hole to escape!
he breaks the table in half using a karate chop
2 halves make a hole just walk through the hole