If you could time travel, where would you like to go?


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I'd want to see the Pyramids in Egypt when they first finished them.
It was supposed to be white! Like BLINDING white!

I would love to go to past and see all the great things happening and stop the terrible things from happening.
I did watch that movie, agcfilms but that was made by a disturbed director. I'm talking about safe time travelling.
id like to go back to 6th grade when things were so fun and free. it was the best year of my life in school!
go to the future see the inventions and then take them back to the present, sell them and get super rich!!!
I'd go back with all the winning lottery numbers. Then when I get bored with being fithy dirty rich, I might go back tell John Lennon to stay away from that Yoko chick, tell Jimmy Hendrix to sleep facing down with his head in a basin, so not to choke on any spew, tell Elvis that burgers will make you fat and ditch that Colonel creep, find out how the dinosaurs really died, tell the computer company not to sell DOS to Bill Gates for a measly $50,000 because the little git will make billions from it, find out who invented the wheel, and go back and wait for the c*nt who robbed my flat with a baseball bat.
I'd go back with all the winning lottery numbers. Then when I get bored with being fithy dirty rich, I might go back tell John Lennon to stay away from that Yoko chick, tell Jimmy Hendrix to sleep facing down with his head in a basin, so not to choke on any spew, tell Elvis that burgers will make you fat and ditch that Colonel creep, find out how the dinosaurs really died, tell the computer company not to sell DOS to Bill Gates for a measly $50,000 because the little git will make billions from it, find out who invented the wheel, and go back and wait for the c*nt who robbed my flat with a baseball bat.
the butterfly effect could not happen that dramatically because the future cannot be changed in such a dramatic way it will change slightly as in you might not be named bob but instead billy or tom

but i would like to see the dinosaurs and to go to rosswell

and by the way you cant change history in such a way that lets say electricity was never invented because eventually someone would invent it and you cant change the day that lincoln got shot because someone would still end up killing him and you cant go back and change something that you were never born because then you would not be alive to have killed yourself in the first place which in turn would cause a paradox which could destroy the universe
There is a beautiful park in the city center where I live in Newcastle and there is an old run down building that I think belonged to the caretaker. I can imagine courting couples walking from the house and down the grand stairs to the carousel in their Victorian costumes to listen to the band playing (sunday afternoon after prayers or such like). Everything was such an adventure in those days, even getting dressed in the mornings in such finery. I would like to go back to this time and place even if it only exists in my mind.
I'd go back but as an observer..I'm a history nut and there are so many things I'd love to know...what stoneage people did for fun, what norsemen really treated their wives like, how the pyramids were built, how to make a really good corset lol...

I agree you couldn't start to change things though, no matter how much you think you should, as you don't know what future effect that may have..say you stop the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then Japan went on to bomb ten cities, or 20...you don't know that changing things wouldn't make it worse..so I'd go to look, but not to interfere.
about 4 hour before the euro-millions was drawn with the winning numbers will do me