All you people against Gays and Gay marrige...?

Nov 19, 2008
Doesnt the Bible say 'Love your enemies'?

Why do you discriminate? How is it your buisness?

If its wrong in Gods eyes, How is that anything to do with you?

Do you think he will give you the luxury heaven suite if you make their lives hell?

Im straight and a little creeped out by the gays sex tendancies, but as i said, its nothing to do with me, and they should have rights as much as everyone else
well Marriage is created by God himself for a man and a woman...

its Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve.

Marriage represents a relationship between a man, woman and God. This is what God intended. We only believe in what God taught.

We just know when we see a sin.....Gay marriage is not biblical.

Plus the bible even says that homosexuals will have no part in Heaven...
I have no problem with homosexuals. I would still love them no matter what their sexuality. God doesn't award you for being a jerk either. Get your facts straight...haha get it straight, we're talking about gays
I have no problem with homosexuals. I would still love them no matter what their sexuality. God doesn't award you for being a jerk either. Get your facts straight...haha get it straight, we're talking about gays
I believe someones orientation is their own preference. they can't control what attracts them so we shouldn't try to force a "right" way on them. I am friends with many gay/lesbian people as I am very involved in fine arts and they are really cool people and fun to be around. I do however believe that some rights should not be extended to them. let them get married but some financial benefits from marriage should not be allowed
that is right-which is why no i do not believe in many things, however i am perfectly willing to let everyone exercise their free will I could care less what anyone does. I seriously need to just worry about myself
:) God Bless....
Obviously YOUR judgmental. I'm a Christian and who ever
said I hate gays? I don't, theirs a lot of gay people at my school and Christians and non-Christians don't care. If I don't like someone it's not because their gay or their skin color or how they look. Take your own advice and LOVE YOUR ENEMIES.
I'm not gay; but, I support people who are because, you are who you are and you can't change that!

....please return the favor
gay people are NOT our enemies

it's wrong...marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman

not descriminating, or my business...just not for it.

if it's wrong in God's eyes, and I believe in God then it have everything to do with me and my believes

nope, if you judge and make gay people's lives hell while you're living on will probably NOT go to heaven at all
Who cares, its not natural, if your usually gay something bad happened during your childhood.
A marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN. I would not support gay marriage for anything, even if the violent homosexual mobs were attacking me, like they beat up that old woman by her church and threw her cross on the ground.

I hope the whiining gays (who are acting like violent spoiled brats) are denied their ridiculous, elitist special right forever until the end of time.


I respectfully disagree with a homosexual's lifestyle, and will not support a lifestyle I believe is unnatural; that goes with any lifestyle I consider to be wrong.

I will not fight to take your right to marry away, but I won't fight for you to have it either.