Why are my bipolar epidodes like this?


May 30, 2008
It seems like I wake up and im deppresivly happy. If that makes sense. Like im agitated and I feel like hyper with my thoughts. Then during the afternoon and day it turns into going back and forth from being almost like on cocaine to agitated and like I cant function around people. And then at night im just extreamly deppressed most of the time and sometimes paranoid. I just have been writing down things to figure out what kind of bipolar I have because when I went to my psychologist about a year ago she said she wasent much on picking a specific one, but that doesnt make sense to me. When I read about peoples epidodes or w.e it seems like they last for weeks. Mine change so fast I can notice it. And there are other symptoms that are develoing. I really have a problem now with being around people. Its weird and I cant explain it. Im now afraid to do a lot of things I use to have no problem doing. I feel like im constantly locked inside my mind, but I guess if I wasent I wouldent be able to notice my feelings and thoughts on things. Without medication is there any way to mellow somethings, but not turn me into a zombie or give me side effects. DOes eating healthy and vitamins work. Thanks for the help.