what are some things I can do at my desk since I cant get on the internet and there

be it work or school, i would write a letter. or a note, to a freind. or just to yourself. anything. or draw :]
If you can't get on the internet, then how did you post this and how are you going to check the answers? Read a book or something. Play around in Paint or play computer games that don't require the internet.
Have a rubik's cube on your desk. They pass the time. Also, play the games on your cell. Stop at walmart or toysrus, and pick up some handheld mini games for, like, 6 bucks. That might help you out. Be creative!
Try sudoku or crossword puzzles. Read a book.Counted cross stitching. Knitting. Write a novel.
What do you mean no work to do? Clean out desk, dust desk, dust office, empty trash, ............just because YOU think there is no work, that doesnt mean you cant do anything. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO DO. Oh, go through files or something like that to ensure they are up to date or correct.
You could do something that takes away from your time at home, like bills or list making, or get some catalogs and make a christmas list.
You can't do this today but in the future you can plan by doing this...take magazine people are throwing out & cut out the articles you want to read but don't have time to read. Bring them with you & you can pull them out & read them since they are so small it won't be so noticable.
read a book, get a sodoku book and do some of them, go for a walk, pretend your sick and go home and get on the internet... =P