Help my daughter's boyfriend is a drug addict how can I get her to see the


New member
Sep 17, 2008
light without losing her? My daughter has been going out with this guy for 3-4 weeks, last nite they had a fight and he told her that he consumes drugs every day (I believe it's marijuana) but still he takes it every day and then drives with my daughter in his car............ Last night she had dumped him, but now I'm afraid she's going back on her words, she seems to think she can help him and she doesn't care if my husband and I hate him. I don't want to lose my daughter, I just want her to see that she has her whole life ahead of her (she's only 19 and he's 20) and that she could do much better.
Don't tell me to back off, it's her life, she's still living at home, going to school and we're paying her way through school, so I guess we have our say on who can and cannot come into my house.

Even though it's not Crack or Heroine, Cocaine or whatever, it is still damaging.
well as a psychiatrist most women end up getting abused by their partner and they usually pay the crime time for their partners fault and some even end up dead unfortunately and well my conclusion is that obviously ur daughter must care for the young man to help him so perhaps instead of arguing with her maybe you should help her to help the young man get clean and perhaps he'll realize that there are people who care and show him images of women who end up dead from their drug partners and the effects of drugs as well.
well, in my experience. as the daughter. I dated someone for years without my parents knowing who was a drug addict. then once my parents found out i rebelled SO MUCH against them. I hated them for trying to keep me from him. I wasn't doing the drugs, he didn't do them around me. but i was so young, and so naive. My parents FORCED us apart. I cried for months upon months thinking i'd never get over it. It was a horrible time in our household, esp. being daddy's little girl and breaking his heart. well i am older now, I have a 2 year old son of my own with the most amazing guy ever. If my parents never would of interfered who knows where i would be today. Not with my son, i can guarantee that. I don't regret it though, i learned so much from that time in my life. I hope this story can help you in some way. Your daughter will forgive you, and will even forget it someday if you interfere. but remember things always turn out the way they are supposed to.
Being that your daughter is over the age of 18 you can't exactly forbid her to see him, but you can state your concerns over the fact that he's driving under the influence. Try to make her promise you that she will drive if he's high.
Also, it might be time to have the "women are not educational institutes for men"-talk with her. Tell her that you understand her need to try to make him better, but the only thing that can really help an addict is professional help, and even when that is available: treatment will only work if he is willing to quit the habit.
tell your daughter that you dont like her being with a guy that does drugs.
i think that you should let her be friends with him and maybe she will be able to help him. just nothing more then friends.
look up addiction online and let her read it, anything that shows how negative drug use is, even pot. knowledge is your best bet, try not to be pushy though that sometimes backfires
Her choice..Her life..She's 19.

Believe me you will be doing alot for harm interfering, and just be glad hes not a cocaine/heroin addict.
Well, it is not like he is smoking crack for God sakes, but regardless

Back off, she has to learn for herself
You will only push her away if you jump into it