Which is harder to deal with, betrayal or gossip?


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Alot of people think gossip is less harmful then betrayal, but with both of these in my younger years, I've seen beatdowns, assaults, and anything else, not that we're all uncivilized, but it doesn't take much to set someone off does it. I hardly have betrayed someone in my life, just once only, and they forgave me in time, and I haven't betrayed anyone since, gossip I do sometimes, but my other friends do it more then me. I always thought gossip is more deadly when more then 2 people do it among tons of people who are within "ear range"
While both are bad, I think betrayal is worse. Gossip can be ignored. Betrayal cuts to the core of a relationship.
To me gossip is worse. Betrayal hurts more but gossip has more long lasting consequences. Betrayal is one person. They betray your trust by an action. It hurts like hell because you trusted them in the first place but, you know who and what you are dealing with..Gossip is deadly because it is insidious, sneaky and you don't know how many people are involved. A made up story can destroy a persons character thereby destroy there lives. People commit suicide because of rumors. It can go on for years. We have all heard rumors about someone in the neighborhood. The story has been handed down from one neighbor to the next. It is based on nothing or twisted half truths and has gone on so long no one remember how it started. It is like an urban legend.People can disconnect from family, neighbors and churches As a result people leave jobs and homes. I wish I could say I am not guilty of it but as a result of writing this I will pay attention and avoid it now ( as much as I can)
Well, I think gossip is a form of betrayal. If you are spreading rumors and causing me grief then you are betraying me.
gossip is kinda a form of betryal, I'd rather ppl talk Sh!t about me, than my friend going around and say, showing people comprising pictures of me.... kind of the leser of 2 evils