What can I do to raise money for my choir trip without asking money from my parents?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Well, I'm in choir this year for high school (freshmen), and on May 2009, we are planning an overnight trip to California to perform there. It costs $200 for the trip, and I have to pay it by March of next year. Yes, the trip is a grade requirement, which really sucks for me because missing that trip would result as an F for that quarter. If it wasn't required, I wouldn't be on on Y!A for your opinions. The only problem is how am I going to get all that money? I'm underage to get a job that's for sure >.< I really don't want to strain my parents with getting money for me because we are planning to get a new house next year and we're planning a trip to Philippines for next summer, which, of course, they'll be paying for it. So any money making suggestions?