what's your favorite holiday song?

"O Holy Night." I like Josh Groban's version, where he doesn't breathe for like, 5 minutes.

And I love "Christmas Canon" too. I could listen to that song year-round, but I force myself to wait until after Thanksgiving.
"rusty chevrolet" i dont know who sings it but its done to the tune of jingle bells

answer mine!!!http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ak26HevAQJ7NPMLx__rwR0jAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20081117112317AAXc2UR
i like New York Fairytale??? cant remember if thats its name. or last christmas, what a classic
For christmas it's:
"""All I want for Christmas Is you""""
by Vince Vance and the Valiants.

Corny name of a band but LOVE the song.


And Spiritually speaking : What Child is This
"Swiss Colony Beef Loaf!
That's what Christmas is all about!
Roly-Poly Colony Beef Loaf!
Makes a little boy want to scream and shout!
Deck the halls with Swiss Colony Beef Loaf!
Fa la la la la--la la laaa LAAAAAAAAAA!"
White Christmas by Bing Crosby. Love it! (Then again, I love anything by Bing Crosby.)

Christmas Canon is a pretty darn cool one, too.