Black rimmed Glasses on asian girl?



I absolutely love black rimmed glasses and am looking forward to getting one. I really liek the Chanel ones, but I was wondering if they make asians look "nerdy"....
Asians tend to look nerdy no matter what they wear.... No, just kidding... I would say wear whatever you like, go for it!
Glasses make everyone look nerdy. I have a really nice pair of Dior ones but I look too wierd in them I wear contacts.
no the thick framed ones can make you look eclectic or artsy
not any more nerdy than they already look without the glasses
My best friend is dating the worlds most gorgeous Asian woman. Her glasses make her look even more exotic. She does not wear them on shoots, but she is gorgeous.
they don't make you look nerdy, it's just that being asian myself, i find that black plastic rimmed glasses only accentuate the black hair, black eyebrows, etc. and it kind of looks "dark". of course, it's different for everyone and some asians DO look good in them, but in general for an asian, i would suggest a dark amethyst, burgundy, or navy color instead.
NOBODY looks nerdy in Chanel eyeglasses! They are super chic! You might also consider Prada; they make some very cute black framed eyeglasses!