Everyone is into gossip exept me and i want it to stop?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
All my friends and like all the grade is so into gossip. I got into a little fight with my best friend because i couldn't take it anymore. I told her to stop and it get so annoying. At lunch I sit like a looser at my table while everyone else is gossiping about who's dating who and all that crap. I am really tired of it and i refuse to be apart of it. I have like no other friends who aren't gossipers. Now I have to deal with my friends madness about the fight. WHAT DO I DO??
I do feel excluded. I have been with my friends for 4 years now and I can't just let them go like a hot potato. I am friends with most of my grade. They used to be so fun and we used to talk about other stuff other then gossip and drama. There like differnt people now. I can't avoid all of them. And my best friend is the only girl friend i have in my class. I really don't know what to do. :-(
Well sorry to tell you but you really cant do anything about it.. Gossip is why mostly kids go to school.. So yeah if you don't like it just ignore it.. Like if you're friends start talking about it, try talking about something else.. It kinda always works for me.. :) Luck..
Gossip is like going to a really great movie, very entertaining. I think there is something else going on with you other than all your friends gossiping. Would you feel better if the conversations were about the economy, general motors, S. Palin, the war against terror? I doubt it. Now go get back in the game. Unless someone is really hurt from a rumor it is harmless. Is there anything bothering you, like you feel excluded?
More power to you! I do not like the gossiping either and have never been into it, I've tried but just have never seen the point if all it causes is drama. Never had time for any of it, it's energy consuming. About your friend, forget her. Sorry to say though. Organize your thoughts on what are your values, and things you dislike. Literally anything you dislike about a person, whether a personality trait, or idea. Only then will you find people that value the same as you and will leave you room for true friendships and true compromise that stand on the same ground as you. Call them home base if you will.

EDIT: You are hopeless. You think others do not know how it feels to lose lifelong friends that have changed and caused by personality clashes? Many people do but meet more, better friends ahead of life than the one's that were their best friend(s). If you're so indecisive on friendships then you shouldn't be making friends at all if you're being hurt this much by them. In fact, who cares? Life goes on it would not matter to the world of any of us died. Who are we compared to the billions of people on earth? None, we're just like them. We all go through tough times in our life, the strong ones are decisive and keep moving, the weak wallow in their pity in their indecisiveness. It's up to you but ultimately my answer is right if since she will most likely hate you from now on 9.9/10 and will not turn out to be like old times. It's your life, we can only offer solutions but it's up to you to carry them through. And how are we supposed to solve your problems personally in reality when we all have more important things to do?
Be true to yourself and don't be sorry for not gossiping. You can and will be a happier person without all of the he said/she said. There are so many more things to talk about than other people. They may not stop but you can. Try asking people about thier day, classes activities,what they like or don't like, movies, books,t.v. etc just anything that can get a conversation started without getting a yes or no answer. Hope this helps.
try to say sorry to ur freind .
Ask her why she likes it and how it can hurt someones feelings why u don't like it ETc