How well did your parents dodge the?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
"Mummy, where do babies come from?" question?

Mine told me that they found me in a cabbage patch o.o
Im serious.
@ Ernie - No... That's where they found you :)
I'm to this day unsure of how i actually know???
My parents were very understanding and i feel sure at least mom would have told me?? But i never remember going through it with them??
Aw bless! I don't remember... I don't remember ever talking about sex or babies or anything with my parents.
the subject never came up, I was the youngest of 5

my brothers and sisters used to dream up all sorts of stories to tease me
My parents told me nothing about nothing, shut up was said a lot and I went to a catholic school, it's a wonder I found out about sex at all!
My mum told me when i was old enough. But i remember my aunt saying to my cousin that you rang up the hospital and they will deliver you a baby. lol he believed it cuz he was only 4
Are you trying to tell me that we aren't all found in cabbage patches?
next you are going to say that santa isn't real and that the tooth fairy is a fake too!!!
Don't think i ever asked. Don't think i was ever told.
My daughter asked her mam and she said artificial insemination.