Armageddon in the year 2012? This is very strange, and please I don't think I am physic, or special, so don't be snide or rude, only serious answers! Ever since I can remember which was about the age of five or so I have been extremely fearful of the end of the world, I think I started to have these fears after I began to dream about Armageddon. I have been having these dreams for almost 20 years now, And I dream about it most every night. Pretty much anyway you can think of the world coming to an end I have dreamed. Usually it involves a meteor, or something big and bright hitting the earth but I always seem to awake before it actually hits, I have also had dreamed about huge tsunamis, as a matter of fact that is the first dream I ever had about it, and at that time I was only about five, so I was not aware of what a tsunami was or even that it existed. I often get told and think that my dreams come from the extreme fear of the end of the world, but my question is I began to have those fears before I even understood the meaning and term of Armageddon of the end of the world, does this sound weird to anyone else. When the year 2000 came, I was a wreck, but I have been studying 2012, the year 200 was a hype, there was no scientific reason, or events happening on that particular day, 2012 is very different. There are so many different events that are going to take place on this date. The alignment of the milyway galaxy and the sun, the solar eclipse, the polar shift that is going to take place and there is a few other scientific events but you get the drift. Even more creepy is their are multiple different ancient religions that are predicting a catastophic event to occur on Dec. 21 2012. Myans, incans, chinese are just a few that have written prophecy of something very bad happening on this day of this year. I don't have a specific question, I am just wanting to see peoples educated thoughts and concerns about this topic. Hope its not too long and thanks to all of you who have something to say. Have a good day.