Poll: Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Subway or Wendy's?

McDonalds. Never tried Taco Bell or Wendy's. And it really all depends what you feel like, right?
love them all. BK-the stacker,mcds- the spicy chicken, tb- the chicken ques., subway- pizza sub, and wendy's-the frosty baby!!!!!
Taste wise Maccas always takes home the gold.
But Subway is always the real winner because it tastes delish and is filling but is also very healthy!
In my order of preference:

--Burger King,
--Mickey D's,
--Taco Bell.

Thing is....Wendy's is first, BK and Subway are pretty solidly *tied* at 2nd, Mickey D's is third place and Taco Bell....ehh, it's drifting down somewhere around 8th place after chinese food, sorry. I only get Taco Bell 2-3 times a year. I'd much rather "has cheezeburger" if you know what I mean. ^_^

I know, call me old-school, tell me it's bad for me....hell, at this point *living* is unhealthy for me, what can you do? ^__^
Taco Bell or Subway

I love quesadilla's, fiesta burritos, and a chicken salad sub on honey oat bread with tomato and a little lettuce.

Taco Bell, because their Mexican Pizza's rock!!

i love McDonald's french fries but i hate the rest of their food.. well, besides their biscuits and hashbrowns..

i love subway!! that would be my second choice.

Wendys sucks.. besides their french fries and baked potatoes.

I love those cheesy tater tot things at burger king.. those things are good!!


Now you just made me hungry. lol
When I have a jones-in for some fast food, I go for Taco Bell. If I want somewhat healthy food I love going to Subway.