What do you think of PDA?

People should mind their own business. If they don't wanna see PDA then they shouldn't look! haha.
Its okay to a certain extent...
Casual kiss:yes
Holding hands:yes.
Borderline Fuc*ing: NO!
kiss on the cheek, peck on the lips, holding hands, arm around, hugging.

But anything more than that...too personal. I mean maybe if you're in a public place with no one around...making out is fine...but seriously...more than making out in public...GROSS..no one wants to see that.
I think it can be cute until it get's excessive.

Holding hands, a few pecks, even a tap on the butt can be cute.
Making out in my opinion, i don't really need to see.

But it really depends on the situation, place, & time. You can get away with more at a lounge for example, than you could in the line of a grocery store.
Well... it's an interesting question.
I always thought that people should have self control in public, you know... like a kiss on the cheek or a quick peck on the lips is fine but other than that to like, control yourself.
But with my current boyfriend it's easier said than done.
We were in the city park the other day and we started kissing (incredibly innocently) and we weren't hurting anyone. All of a sudden we hear "GET A ROOM!" and we started laughing because we thought someone was trying to be funny, but i turned around and there was a man in his 30s glaring at us as he walked past.

It kind of shocked me, because i never saw PDA THAT big of a deal, but aparently some people do. I think as long as you aren't too over the top you arent hurting anyone so why not!?
I am not so fond of PDA... I am in a relationship and we don't do anything more then hugging in public and our friends seem to appreciate that... My bf's sister on the other hand her and her fiance can't keep their mits off each other in public and it makes the rest of us not want to hang out with them..they were like this before they got engaged.. just because your engaged doesn't mean anything more then you plan to get married... PDA is kinda a personal topic that you and whoever you are in a relationship with should discuss what you both feel is to much, and all right... my bf and I are ok with hugging, I can sit on his lap if the location we are at is relaxed, mild hand holding (I personaly would like a kiss on the cheek if he's leaving, he'd never kiss me in public however)
It doesnt matter haha people should mind there own buisness. like in school if some kids our making our let them do it there not like bothering anybody
bleh no making out
casual kiss is ok , holding hands is ok.
slapping asses..mm maybe if no adults around