How to get dog to stop whining?


Jun 10, 2008
I have two dogs, a lab and a pug mix. They are allowed everywhere in our house except in our bedroom. This is because we have new wall-to-wall carpeting in there and the lab is still young and likes to rip clothes laying around. At night, they usually sleep on the couch or their dog beds. At about 5:30 every morning for the last few weeks, the pug comes up to our door and starts to whine. We try to ignore it but he will go on for an hour. Sometimes this causes the lab to start barking. I used to think maybe he had to go out but when I open the door he won't go. For a few nights I have tried putting him in his crate as soon as he starts to whine but then he starts barking while he is in there. Again, we try to ignore it but he won't stop. I know he just wants to be with me because if I wake up and sit on the couch he will just curl up with me and go to sleep. Any suggestions besides letting them sleep with us? Thanks, we are tired.