Why are gays protesting in Hollywood over prop 8?


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Can't they understand that people in California do NOT want gay marriage. This is the second time the voters have said they do NOT want it. The only reason they even got gay marriage for a couple of months is because they went behind the voters backs and ran to a judge to invalidate the ban.

If they want gay marriage they should bring it up for a vote and ask people to approve it, but they won't because they know that the voters will not.

Now it is not only law, it is in the state constitution and the state supreme court must uphold the constitution. They've already launched numerous lawsuits which many law experts have no chance of winning and if they try to force a federal lawsuit they could set their agenda back decades.

The gays have pissed people off trying to force they gay agenda on everyone. Now with their whining and protesting are making everyone even more resentful. Get over it gays. You already have ALL the same rights as everyone else in California. Marriage is reserved for one man and one woman who choose at their own will whether or not they will procreate. An impossibility for two members of the same sex.

In case everyone missed this or doesn't understand...
Marriage is reserved for one man and one woman who choose at their own will whether or not they will procreate.

Sorry, but there's no way around it. It takes one man and one woman to procreate.

No one is disenfranchised. Here is the law in California:
A California domestic partnership is a legal relationship available to same-sex couples. It affords the couple all of the same substantive legal benefits and privileges, and imposes upon the couple all of the same legal obligations and duties, that California law affords to and imposes upon a married couple.

The voters just passed prop 8, which added this statement to the California State Constitution:
<<Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.>>
Why is wanting to be married to the person you love forcing an agenda on everyone? They have not tried to force everyone else to be homosexual. They are just asking for the same rights as the rest of us.
Prop 8 will probably pass because the anti gay forces are much larger and simply out mobilized the anti prop 8 forces
live and let live.
your advocating laws to impose your dated views on the rest of the world is sickening.
I don't understand why anyone would be against gay marriage. If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one. It's that simple. Why do you care so much?
seems like u feeling some sorta way..

but grow the fuck up!

let them do them while u do u..
u must care to much about whu they sexin lil ma
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Finally someone on yahoo answers who speaks the way I feel. You are totally right and of course they will never admit it. Marriage is for one man and one woman! Get over it gays! I am sick of them forcing their agenda on everyone everywhere especially at young impressionable children in public schools (that is why my children go to Catholic school) Stop whining gays, no one cares! And to all of you that think they are not harming anyone: go to a gay pride parade and the Folsom Street Fair or look it up on the internet and look at pictures and tell me they're not harming anyone. Go ahead, I dare you! And by the way, what's next after letting two men or two woman marry, letting pedophiles get there way to. The NAMBLA group (who advocates the rape of children) claims that they can't help who they love. Maybe you would like to extend your support to them to. Oh and in case you didn't know, GAY RIGHTS GROUPS SUPPORT NAMBLA AND EVEN HAVE A LINK TO THEIR WEBSITE!
A couple living together do not have the same rights as a married couple.
They are not trying to force their aganda on anybody,they just want to be treated as equals.
You tell me,exactly what harm would a gay couple being married be to you personally.
Why are these people so strange? If they want to live together and have sex fine. But it is not marriage.
Because they are cry-babies.

Actually this is not an EQUAL rights issue, Gay people can get married in any state, as long as its a gay man marrying a lesbian.
This is something the log cabin republicans got on the ballot as a way to get more bigots to vote.
Good point on the government's basis for affording special tax status etc to married couples, but the fact remains that while California has civil unions, those may not be recognized in other states or countries, while marriages are recognized universally.

Plenty of married couples choose not to have children, should they lose the ability to file income tax jointly? Gay couples may choose to adopt, use artifical insemination, or surrogates.

If you're traveling with your spouse/partner and suffer a stroke or debilitating injury, who gets to make critical decisions regarding your medical care, or even final arrangements? The parents who disowned you 20 years ago for being "sick and perverted"? If you're not married, your partner may not have any legal standing whatsoever!

In my opinion, the need for everyone to be treated equally under the law regardless of sexual orientation, race religion etc trumps the child-rearing-as-the-basis for-marital-benefits argument.

The religious aspect is a completely different animal- I don't think any state decision affects how churches, synagogues, mosques or covens choose to treat the issue.
Some people can't accept the laws of the land.
They will keep causing trouble until some one gets killed.
Trouble makers.....they never quit....
They act like little children throwing a temper tantrum..
They should take the right of being gay completely away from them.
They need to get over it!
why should you be so concerned about 2 people in love wanting to get married? It shouldn't even be an issue with all the divorces out there already. I don't think it's right for my little son to see 2 people kissing heavily in public but straights to that all the time.
Gays are Human beings with feelings. I am from South Africa and I think California is way behind on this issue. I am straight and I respect peoples choices.
People didn't want interracial marriage either. If you left that up to vote it probably wouldn't pass. People don't want a lot of things that are a matter of civil rights for others. The south didn't want blacks to integrate. Gay marriage is a matter of civil rights. They pay taxes, they are consenting adults, they are American citizens, they should have a right to get married. I am straight but I do not like the idea of anybody being denied rights because of sexual preference. Imagine if you and your partner built a life together and when you died your nearest relative came out of nowhere and took claim to your estate instead of the person you've been with for 30 years. Imagine if you have a partner that you've been with for 20 years and they became incapacitated and you had no rights to be with them in the hospital and make those important decisions, why, because you're gay? That is just plain old morally wrong. Even if you believe that homosexuality is a sin, sinners should have the same human and civil rights as everyone else.
This is not something that should be left to the vote. There needs to be a decisive supreme court decision and even a congressional act. Just like had to be done for civil and voting rights because if you'd have left it up to a vote we'd still be in Jim Crow.
The gay marriage basically was turning California into a joke too. I'm sorry, but it was ridiculous. Voters spoke. It's not like they can overturn a vote.

Protesting isn't going to do a dang thing.
Why complain? Gays already have more rights than any race or class of people in the US. You can refuse service to anyone, but to hell with your beliefs, you must serve the gay person at all costs. Never mind what you think, you must bend over for the gay person, and if you're a guy, watch out when bending over. :cþ When the gay guy comes knockin' everyone must obey.
So, couples unable to have children should not be married? Is that what you're saying?