Question about black front teeth?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I went through a bad time in my life and I'm not gonna rant all about it. I hope you can understand as it's not part of my question. Anyways, I was lucky enough to get on some insurence with about $1500 left of oral surgery. I haven't been to the dentist in like 9 years. Most of my teeth are chipped and rotted but I do my best to keep them in shape. All i want with this money is to be able to smile. You can't notice anything unless I do so. The top of my front teeth has turned back and about 30% of the tooth where the black is, is gone from it. I know dental implants are a option but I can't afford $1000+ a tooth on $10 a hour. I was wondering if there is any hope when I go to the Dentist for the first time in awhile this Thursday if they can fill that black with a white filling? Man I would be on could 9 but I'm not sure if they can with the way the black and damage is near the gumline of my top front teeth. Can anyone tell me if I'm wasting my time and or if there is any product I can put in these small holes to hide the black for now? Everytime I brush it looks worse when it should look better. I think someone who has been in my shoes would know. Thanks..