What will happen if Biden's prediction comes true and our Nation is "tested"...


Mar 26, 2008
What will happen if Biden's prediction comes true and our Nation is "tested"...

...if Obama gets elected? If Obama wins the election, do you think other countries will see him as a weakness and try to attack us. If so, what could the response be from an Obama administration?
I understand that all Presidents are tested. However, Biden seemed to go out of his way to specify that Obama's strength would be tested.
That is a veiled warning that America WILL be tested. It's all in the plan for the New World Order.
Regan was "tested" when he got shot, Bush Sr. was "tested" when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Clinton was "tested" with the former Yugoslavia, Somalia, Iraq and a little problem with a brunette.

The US may be a diverse nation, but for some reason the leaders are always old white men, the rest of the world -in particular in problem areas like Afghanistan and Pakistan- they view the US with suspicion, old white men from the US with even more suspicion. They have been dealing with colonialists for centuries and they are fed up.

Internationally Obama is not viewed as part of the traditional "establishment", he breaks barriers, tries to connect with people, doesn't look down on them and people know this.

People in the world are no longer buying the US's hypocrisy, the are tired of the "here's the new boss, same as the old boss" routine, therefore Obama stands a better chance to deal other nations on a whole new level. Not that it will be easy, but he will be received and perceived differently.
Our political leaders are "tested" all the time. It doesn't matter who wins. I just hope that who ever wins, everyone will get behind the new president and get over all the lies and criticizing of each other. I'm so tired of the politics. Why do we have to have a "them or us" mentality?
We'll never get anywhere in this country if both parties don't work together.
Obama is not weak.
Get that straight.
He meant that anyone who is elected will get tested.
It depends who Obama is.. if he is Anti Christ, then it will happen exactly the way Bible predict.. If he is just dumb guy then yeah, he looks soo weak!
I can only say this. I find it very suspicions that Biden said that as if to scare us full well knowing that we would hear that he said this. This is very concerning. Obama's ties to some Muslim leaders such as the Libian President are concerning to some who believe that Obama may have information that we don't. I will stay neutral on the topic but that's just to get you thinking. If the country is tested it will be interesting who fires the first shot. As for the Anti-Christ theory, I can only say this, I don't know what you believe but if you believe in the Bible, he does meet every requirement for being the Anti-Christ.
Well, he's cool, calm, and collected. And will totally screw it up and take another drag on his bong. That's our boy
If McCain wins the world will end due to Nuclear War. If Obama wins your countries Economy will crash. As an English citizen i want gd'ol Obama. :D
Haven't you seen the clips of these other countries like Iran, Iraqi,Saudi Arabia all the countries over there are happy that the man they want will probably win. Go to this non party web site and see for yourself. www.citizenslim.com