my 6 week old niece is constantly screaming and flaying her arms and legs is this...


New member
Mar 18, 2008
...normal or is she in pain? My sisters baby is 6 weeks old and she is constantly flaying her arms and screaming. They are taking her to a Dr. for reflux and she is on medication for that but, we are starting to get concerned that something else may be bothering her. Does anyone know if this is normal for infants with reflux? Should we get a second opinion?
this is very normal for babies with reflux, although the meds should stop it. Mine had reflux and after being put on 2 meds, one for the reflux and one for vomitting, and adding 1tea. of rice per oz of formula, he was a brand new happy baby.
I would keep seeking medical attention until something is done to help baby, it does sound like pain of some kind. Maybe the med dosage for the reflux is not high enough or maybe rice needs to be added to bottle, it helps keep the formula/milk (which is very acidic) down and not cause the burning that is caused by reflux.