Short term/Long term goals? What are your goals for the future?


New member
Sep 28, 2008
My short term goals are to work 2 jobs now that I am finished school, save enough money to move back to Canada to get my own place and go to graduate school for my masters:)

My long term goals are to start my career in the medical field, get married and have kids with my future husband.
My short term goal is to get my Bachelor's degree by next year. One more semester to go.
short term- to pass my a levels and go to university to be a pharmacist
long term- to have a successful career and marry someone who loves me for me xxx
My long term goal is to get a job at Pixar, maybe as a story artist or an animator.

Also maybe get married too, idk, only if my gf stays with me long enough
I want to get a college scholarship and go to the mainland for it.
I want to go to Stanford really bad. So right now my goals are to maintain high grades.