Is the liberal method of stress relief putting more bumper stickers on your smelly


New member
Aug 31, 2008
volvo station wagons? Geez, I just saw one this morning. It must have had 50 bumber stickers on it supporting everything from gay women to sea otters. Is this what liberals do after a long day at the office?

"Gee honey, tough day at the natural food shop. I have to go calm down."
"OK sweetie. There are some bumper stickers over there. You can go put them on the car and calm down. I bought some PETA stickers and some pro choice ones today at the store!"
LOL, I love your answers so far. There is nary a person on who has answered that doesn't know EXACTLY what I am talking about. You have ALL seen these cars and you know it!
Thank you for seeing the humor Rachel Raye. I am glad I gave you a laugh for the day.
LOL that's just toooo funny! Seems like it bothers you and YOU took the time to ask a dumb question in hopes someone might agree.

The answer is no. The GOP's idea of stress relief is putting lipstick on a pit bull and then putting it in designer clothing.
That's hilarious. And, do you ever think someone who hasn't made up their mind about who to vote for is going to see the sticker on that P.O.S. and make their decision right then and there?!
Remember, the stickers are probably holding the car together so they are doing it for your safety!!
Saw a thing somewhere that bumper sticker types are also likely to do the road rage thing, so after you have your laugh, give them plenty of space! :)
Just like conservatives relieve their stress by buying gas guzzling hummers and insisting the economy is sound. right.. Don't be so judgemental, to each their own.
I love cars with a lot of bumper stickers... it provides some interesting reading material at red lights.

I have a few bumper stickers on my smelly old corolla (that has never broken down, has over 100k miles on it with the original clutch, and gets between 35 and 40 mpg)

I get a laugh out of all the mccain stickers on the huge gas guzzlers with 1 person in them... No wonder all they can think about is drilling.
OH c'mon people laugh at this, it was a joke! I think it is hilarious, every political/religious/activist nut out there, lefties and righties , go bumper sticker, flag, t-shirt, and sign crazy. I look out for any bumper sticker that says "B**** on Board" or "Jesus Freak" they are the worst. The B on Board drives like a nut and Jesus Freak drives like Grandma just waking up from a nap.

HAHAHA "Gee honey, tough day at the natural food shop. I have to go calm down."

Ohhh, I so needed that.