What do you think future candidate will do about Russia?


New member
Oct 23, 2008
I think McCain is the better man to deal with Russia...Perhaps put very tough sanctions on it to cause more poverty in the country so they wont have enough money to have a good military to invade Georgia and Europe. Also I think somebody should do something to liberate Chechnya from Russian empire...its not their land?
Or we can work on our own failing economy and not try to be the Police of the world-
I doubt this issue is even on Obama's radar. It's like Biden said, Obama will be tested his first 6 months in. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Russia that does it. I don't think he'll handle it well either which is why I'm voting for McCain. No matter what our other crises are, if the U.S. and its allies aren't safe, what difference does everything else matter?
I doubt this issue is even on Obama's radar. It's like Biden said, Obama will be tested his first 6 months in. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Russia that does it. I don't think he'll handle it well either which is why I'm voting for McCain. No matter what our other crises are, if the U.S. and its allies aren't safe, what difference does everything else matter?
Our economy is fucked, because we tried to fix it. I love how government intervention breeds government intervention. Fannie and Freddie started all this because congress bailed them out in 90's and they promised to buy sub prime mortgages. SO the best candidate is the one who leaves the economy alone until it finds it's equilibrium again.
Hopefully make nice with them. I think McCain would butt us in where we are not wanted or needed just like Bush before him. And I think Obama is cool breeze of common sense regarding miliary actions.

PS you are ignorant if you think putting sanctions on Russia is any kind of answer. You are a dumb jackass if you think for one second that we are in any position to do that. Do you really, (REALLY) want another Cold War???

Gosh, I wish that the entire country could adopt the law that Arkansas has on it's books that idiots (yeah, it actually says idiots) and people with mental illnesses cannot vote. Too many idiots in this country.
A good portion of Europe gets gas and oil from Russia, they aren't going to do crap. And its not like little innocent Georgia, they actually were attacking ethnic Russians to start with in south ossetia. Hell the Russians had better justification to invade Georgia than we did Iraq. And letting Chechnya go.. well would you support if Alaska wanted independencee with all it resources? I think not. Let Russia handle its own affairs, we have enough to deal with.
There is nothing to do about Russia. Let's focus on AMERICA and how will we get out of this economic crisis.

It will not invade Europe because it is not nearly strong enough to do that not to mention it has no incentive to invade and control the whole Europe...That's just stupid. Chechnya harbors terrorists and for now I think it is best that it remained under Russian jurisdiction otherwise it would just be a free for all over there.
McCain the shithead asked the Russians for money for his campaign
