Are self-righteousness and arrogance prerequisites for following a religion ?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Most people see both of these as negative personality traits yet they seem to me, by their very definition, to be inherent in all religious followers...

Do you disagree and if so, how ?
_____[ Update ]_____

I feel I should make the following clear :

- I'm not an atheist.
- I am not referring to religion itself.
- I am referring to the followers of religion.

You should look at the answer that "jessieasaurus" provided me with, that is the type of answer I was looking for.

The rest of you need to take a good, long look at yourselves... You're the reason I posted the question in the first place.
It's not self righteousness or arrogance, it's just a sense of accepting that things of this world are not important. It's freedom. Being a Christian has made me very self concious if anything, and has made me watch myself and carry myself differently. Some people misinterpret religion as an excuse to be jerks and be critical of others, and that's not the idea at all.
No, they are prerequisites for being human. Most religious people are human as are most atheists. The words pot, kettle and black come to mind.
No. Self-righteousness and arrogance are components of raw human nature. You will find it among any and all. It is a part of human nature from the beginning. How it is tempered, however, is HELPED through religious teaching and practice - in Christ!
Esther- it really isn't a loaded question because the person asks IF they are prerequisites. Leading or question-begging, maybe.