Poll: If your bored please fill out this poll about the internet?

Oct 21, 2008
1)is "internet literacy" important?

2) What potential dangers may ensue if one does not look critically at URL addresses or information, images , etc. on websites?

3) How can internet sites be deceiving? Can you think of any specific instances when you have been "fooled" by an internet site at first glance?
1. By internet literacy I'm guessing you mean proper grammar and spelling and stuff? If not then.. my bad lol. But if you do, then it depends on the situation, and who you're talking to.

2. If you're a child/teen or you just don't agree with it, you might end up on a porn site, you also might end up on a site that will steal your information, you could get a computer virus, or you could just simply waste your time.

3. There are the scams and stuff, but you'd have to be pretty gullible to fall for that kind of thing. Also, on the internet you have complete anonymity, so you never know who you're talking to. So you could give your information to someone who will steal your identity, or you could be talking to a 40 year old perv who will stalk you.
1)it depends on wat u look at on the internet.

2)then they might get a virus if they don't know
where there at.

3)they can say that you can get something free, the site is really crappy,or theres no way of getting around the site easily
1. idk
2. idk
3. it causes spam, virus and more thanks for giving me something to do!