Alright before I start I'm going to say I'm a smoker, and yes I do know that smoking is bad for you in many different ways. I think the "Truth Hurts Slogan" is ridiculous, any person whose smoked has read the box or has heard about what can happen if you do smoke. We're not stupid we know it's bad, and we shouldn't need an excuse as to why we do it either. Granted I know I need to quite, it's not easy but I know I'll eventually get there. My problem though is with the Truth organization and how their commercials are hpocritical.

The Brighter Side Of Truth - When Truth first started out they talked about how "Big Tobacco" used cartoons and animations to get younger kids / teens to smoke. Now they have the brighter side to truth which revolves around cartoons, dancing, and singing. I find it funny how they're using the same tactics as the tobacco commercials, and that's massively hypocritical if you ask me. They're no worse, I mean look at their web site it's a joke.

The Facts - Another thing that irritates me about Truth is the facts they get and how out of date they are. Most of they're info is from before 1990, I have yet to see a commercial that says in 2008 or 2007 Big Tobacco said........ I'm really curious if they're information was even true, or seeing as how these statements are dated pretty far back it's likely they didn't have the actual facts to health problems. Now the beat your wife statement? I think thats bogus, and even if it's a true statemeny? I can't name 1 person or have heard of 1 berson that would hit they're wife or loved one if they didn't get a smoke. That's insane propaganda.

Big Tobacco - I could careless what big tobacco says or statements they've made in the past. Tobacco is a cash crop plain and simple, it was the base of our economy back in the 1700's, and is really no different to it's uses now. They're a business no different than Oil, Alcohol, and Guns. They make money through people for better or worse, and I don't see what the big deal is. Is this the american way? Yes! In my opinion this is how we've been doing buisness for along time now, and that's how things work.

So granted it's not a question but I'd like to see if anybody feels the same or has noticed the same things for this organization whose trying to either scare us into not smoking or make us feel sorry or shun smokers.