...instead of other countries? (details)? Actors and Actresses in Hollywood keep having these telethons asking people to send money, yet they have millions just sitting in banks.

They earned it once they could earn it again. Why don't they give some of their money to funding for schools and things in the UNITED STATES.

Especially in today's economy, as NYC Mayor Bloomberg said The US "has a balance sheet that's starting to look more and more like a third-world country."

And yet they still send money to other places. And yes I understand we aren't as bad off as places in Africa or the like, but still, we are starting to head that way.
Bad economy,
almost mass chaos,
we already have a huge poverty stricken class,

Why doesn't Angelina adopt someone from the slums of an inner city somewhere?

oooo is that toooooo Taboo?

Answer the question with evidence or you wont get a best answer. I dont care if you oppose me as long as you have evidence. And pleeeease have your email open so i can respond. =]

happy debating