Do you think Republicans would fight for a fetus' right if it was a gay fetus?


May 17, 2008
I saw that on a bumper sticker and wanted to know what others thought of that question.
I, as a Rep, absolutely would. No one should be killed for not doing anything wrong. No fetus has committed a crime, so it should not be killed.

That said, I happen to believe, as you apparently do as well, that gay people are born gay. I therefore believe (as it follows logically) that it is a defect that should be addressed as such. You know, some people are born with heart defects, or liver defects, well, to me, being gay is the result of a defect in the wiring of the brain. It should be recognized as such and addressed by the medical profession to see what can be done about it.
Well, we don't yet advocate the aborting of stupid people, (hence your ability to even think up this idiotic question), so I am guessing I speak for most when I say STFU you freakin moron.
Tony please, I love when people like you say you have no problem with gays and then you go and slam them and insult them anyway. You are full of BS. NOTHING ASHAMES MARRIAGE MORE THAN HOLLYWOOD STRAIGHT MARRIAGES.

Republicans will fight for a fetus ONLY because it's an issue they can use to take focus off of what's important. Nothing turns a human heart to moosh more than talking about a baby. ONLY PROBLEM is that's where it ends. They care about the baby while it's still in but not when it's out. So to answer your question, yes, while its a fetus they would.
Probably some Evangelical Republicans but not all of them. I'm not a Republican but I'm against abortion and I support gay marriage. So your question is built on faulty premises.
It doesn't matter what orientation, race, religion, creed.....

We're Equal Opportunity defenders of LIFE!
NO. I think gay fetuses should be ripped to shreds with sharp tools alive and bleed to death, MMMM...PLUCK THOSE TINY LEGS AND ARMS OFF WHILE IT'S STILL ALIVE!
Seeing it squirm while it's being plucked apart alive via ultrasound is the best experience ever! I highly recommend it to anyone!
...or at the very least be pulled out by the legs, be stabbed in the back of the neck with scissors and have a tube shoved in their head and their brains sucked out, WHILE THEY ARE RAW AND ALIVE, HANDS GRASPING AND LEGS KICKING!
There's nothing I love more than a cold dead baby in a pan or a pile of bloody baby body parts on a surgeons table!
I absolutely think the pro-Lifers... Republican or otherwise... would fight for a fetus' rights if they ever find the "gay" gene... which I assume is at the heart of your question.

However, the larger question would be... Would gay pro-Choicers still be pro-Choice if they knew parents might opt to abort their gay fetus.
Most ridiculous question I've ever seen.

How do you get a "gay fetus" only liberals make up these idiotic statements.


I could care less if you're gay or not, I don't hate gay people. I just want them to leave marriage alone, they make a big joke of it when the guys dress up in wedding dresses and girls in suits. If they took it seriously guys would wear suits and girls dresses.
The "right" they are fighting for is the "right to be born", which is unrelated to any corresponding "right" to grow up safe and healthy.
I would...a life is a life no matter what..Now maybe you could answer, would a Dem keep a fetus knowing full well it would be a Republican?
thats the most rediculous question ive ever heard. your gay by choice or because you were molested. your not born gay.