What's a real last minute excuse to get out of a party tonight? It has to be a

- My arm is stuck in a blood pressure machine.
- I spilled wine all over my outfit and nothing else is clean.
- My neighbor is out of town and their dog died. The dogsitter is too old, and their other dogs might eat it, so I have to bury it so no other animals can get to it.
- My schizophrenic uncle got out of his cage and ran away.
Your dog, whom your family really loves, ran away and you're going to spend the night scowering the city trying to find him.

Or instead of a dog, you can replace it with grandfather, grandmother, little brother, little sister... and cat.
Just say you promised some friends u'd stop over at their place and you can't be unfair to them...So it's totally fair excuse...try it..it worked for me quite a few times! (Oops I hope none of my friends read this answer!) lol..
Happy New year!
I am going to hang out with the family this year.
Notice this is not a lie. You asked for a real excuse.

People are not answering the question.
just say that your stuck with your family tonight for a gathering and cant get out of it. apologize.

or if you have a choice, just tell the truth. watch out for karma!

Good luck =) Happy New Year.
Here's a unique idea.....It's called "The Truth"! It involves calling them and telling them the real reason you will not be there! It is not the easiest thing to do, but you will enter the New Year with a clear conscience, along with a much healthier respect for yourself as a person.
kids ill?
a neighbours rang and your house alarm is going off
U could say some1 died but that doesn't seem like a right thing to say.