oh my gosh where do i start? my uninterested mom cant be trusted by me. my moms boyfriend only makes it worse. one of my sisters hates my guts and admitted trying to kill me when i was young (( me and this sister are 8 years apart)) my other sister (( 14 years apart )) get along perfectly my brother (( 12 yars apart)) hates me too. my dad that is divorced with my mom plays favorites. i want to die SO FREAKING BADLY ITS MAKING ME SICK LITERALLY i have seen a thearipist but nothing worked but made me realize im worthless. i have had sex for money 18 times and im only a freshman. i had an abortion. im depressed, i cant trust anyone. ive been bribed. and my dad used to verbally abuse me. im messed up. (( im not on drugs )) and now im trying to become bulimic. any tips on vomitting by the way? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!! i feel that im not pretty, im worthless, im never gunna get a bf if i keep selling myself. (( and i love the attention i get when i sell myself)) so i wanna do it more. OMG HELP ME. im african american and i act white. ive been teased on that too. so that doesnt help. if u r already sick with me please stop. so im just gunna stop there for now. thanx a million.